M, 44mm, 1/200, f/5.6, ISO 640

M, 43mm, 1/200, f/5.6, ISO 800

M, 36mm, 1/160ss, f/18, ISO 8000

The lighting in this photo is very poor and the ISO seems to be very high which is causing the over exposure. Overall, the angle is great and so is the aesthetic and though behind it the art that went in.


Unfortunately, I could not find the artist who created this image but it was found off of a website called Amino which holds art galleries. I honestly am not too sure of what the artist is trying to say through this image but if ii had to guess it would be something about how the far oceans are the home of all marine life similar and can be even compared to flying in the sea (swimming.)


M, 32mm, 1/125ss, f/16, ISO 800 Straight on

M, 21.00mm, 1/55ss, f/22, ISO 400 Slant

M, 45mm, 1/125 ss. f/16, ISO 800 Above

This photo is shot from below a building making it look extraordinarily big. The editing involved also creates an interesting aesthetic that I find o be pleasing and cool looking. There are strong leading lines that make a significant reason why I was drawn to this picture.

M, 24mm, 1/400 ss, f10, ISO 400

M, 34mm, 1/400 ss. f10, ISP 400

 M, 24mm, 1/400ss, f/10, ISO 400

This photo is taken using lights and thin sheets to portray strong shadows. I strongly like the creativity in this image and love the use of birds. I personally love it when photography uses animals like birds because it adds a very calming and nostalgic feel to it as if you were in some abandoned neighborhood in which you grew up in.


What I learned about exposure

I learned that exposure is a combination of different settings you need to adjust on the camera. For example, aperture is the amount of light let in to your camera lenses which is usually adjusted depending on the lighting conditions of where you are shooting your photos. ISO can be described as the cameras sensitivity to light being entered through the else as well. Your shutter speed also determines exposure and how much light is let within the camera. Usually, you want to adjust this depending on if the subject you shooting are moving or not. These are all the contributing factors to taking a perfect picture with the right exposure, not too under lit and overly bright.


M, 40mm, 85ss, F8, ISO 400

M, 55mm, 125ss, f16, ISO 400

M, 55mm, 640ss, F13, ISO 400

The beautiful mountains in this photo are incredibly detailed with texture that really goes well with the clean grasslands that seem to have a patch of trees which adds to what I mentioned about the texture. Overall this is a beautiful picture and the lighting and editing done to it is perfect.